2YNTHETIC is a freelance digital character artist utilizing new technologies to create completely original and highly detailed 3D avatars and virtual clothing. With 8 years of experience working for the music and entertainment industries, they also provide Creative Direction and Development for small to large-scale projects in fashion campaigns, music videos, commercials, live performance, video games, and virtual/augmented reality.

Please understand that the number of projects 2YNTHETIC can take is very limited. Because of this, they can only reply to emails with a detailed project outline including the requested services, scope of work, project timeline, and style deck when available. Project submissions are carefully reviewed and accepted based on creative fit along with these prerequisites. Submissions that do not include this information may not receive a response. This allows 2YNTHETIC to spend most of their hours on the Avatar Creation Process.

Thank you.

email: info (at) 2ynthetic (dot) systems


who is


Where is the border of “Self” ?

What forms the boundary between “you” and “me” ?

What if there were a place

where there is no distance at all between us ?

A place of One-ness.

In that place is another Self. . .

an “Other-Self”

more real than this reality.

A new reality, infinite and free.

That is where I am waiting

to create the Other-Self, together.

“You”, and “me”.



